Suzie Ford ~ ReWilding

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Body love - your way in to deep healing ❤

We live in a world that is totally head bound - everything we do draws us into our mind; tv, computers, work, social media, none of it is body based and we are all suffering because of that! Add to this that we barely move anymore, we could be sedentary all day, and lockdowns and working from home have made it even easier to just stagnate in one place and it’s damaging us, Our bodies are made to move, and they are also an incredible part of us that constantly relays feedback, which most of the time we have gotten good at ignoring. We do so at our own peril though as before long chronic illnesses, disease and injuries manifest and then we are forced to listen as we can’t live our everyday life anymore!

It really is the time now to change this around and joyfully realise that our bodies are the answer to our health, and play a huge part in our happiness. They also home our traumas, and when we haven’t healed them, whether they be emotional, physical or low-lying and nagging at us; they’re there in our body, and most of us have no idea how to let them go. A trauma could be something big, or something like confusion at a young age, being told how to be, being neglected, being heartbroken, being abandoned by a parent, being bullied, or anything we couldn’t deal with at the time it happened that was internalised stays in our body until let it come back up and we FEEL it.

Most of us spend our whole lives distracting with tv, alcohol, bingeing or starving ourselves as a way of controlling something as we feel so out of control inside, obtaining bigger cars, houses, having babies to make things better, getting a relationship, looking forward to one or two holidays a year amidst the sadness…all just to avoid feeling that pain - but the pain, yes may be hard, bit it’s our freedom, and if we can learn how to release what is stuck and accept ourselves and what happened - we are FREE to live our dreams and not to be controlled by our unhealthy habits anymore.

This is why I created Body Love; a tantric and yogic healing workshop journey to enable us to open the conversation between our body, soul and mind, and find love and compassion for ourselves. I will lead you on an ever deepening journey through a series of workshops where we can explore together our inner world and our bodies in a safe surrounding of sisterhood - Goddesses, are you ready for this?!

The next workshop will be on December 12th - booking opens soon!

Some ideas for how to be more self-compassionate everyday that start with our body:

Start each day by telling yourself something really positive in the mirror. How well you handled a situation, how lovely you look today. Anything that will make you smile.

Fill your body with plant-based unprocessed food that nourishes it and makes it thrive.

Move that gorgeous body of yours every single day! Yoga, dancing, shaking, qi gong, a nature walk. We need to move to be able to thrive and release stagnant energy that can manifest as ruminating worries and thoughts,

Don’t believe everything you think. There is an inner critic inside of us trying to keep us small and safe. The downside is this also stops us from living a full life.

Stop the comparisons. There is no one on this planet like you, so you cannot fairly compare yourself to someone else. The only person you should compare yourself to is you.

Drink LOTS of water - we are made of water and dehydration is chronic in modern society and affects your mood as well as your body health.

Embrace and love the things that make you different. This is what makes you special.

Realize that beauty cannot be defined. It is what you see it as. Don’t let any of those Photoshopped instagram pics and magazine covers make you feel like your body isn’t perfect. Even those models don’t look like that in real life.

Take time out to calm your mind every day. Breathe in and out, clear your mind of your thoughts and just be.

Write it down. Head swimming with so many thoughts it’s giving you a headache? Write them all down on a piece of paper, no matter how crazy, mean, sad, or terrifying they are. Keep it in a journal, tear it up, burn it, whatever you need to do to let it go.

Turn off and go inwards. This is one of my saving graces and favourites!! Grab a cup of your favourite herbal tea, and sit down for a few minutes on your own. No TV or distractions, just you. Think about the wonderful things that are happening in your life right now, what your big dreams are and how you can make them happen.

Do some work with a healer to let go of past traumas and wounds. This can be a really tough one, the truth is though, when we let go of things that have happened to us it’s almost like a weight is lifted off our shoulders. We don’t have to carry that around with us anymore. We deserve better and there are people out there (like me) who were born for the purpose of helping others heal themselves ❤

Get in touch with your inner dialogue. If it’s anything less than loving, encouraging and supportive, it’s time to make a change. You deserve to be spoken to in the same way you would speak to your best friend, sister, brother, daughter, or son.

 I hope this helps….

If you want deeper healing and would like to work with me 1:1 you can email me here for a free clarity call ❤

Remember, it all starts with YOU!