Could breast implants be causing your hormone issues?

How plastics, toxins and processed foods are causing a pandemic of women’s health issues such as PCOS and POI, and chronic illness

 Last week I spoke with my consultant from the Menopause team - yep that's right, I've been seeing a menopause consultant since 3 and a half years ago when I was diagnosed with Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)! I was 34 at the time and had been having these symptoms, and possibly the problems, for 2 years by then on and off. Since I came off the progesterone only pill (mini-pill) after taking it for way too many years. 

Anyway this isn't a post about the contraceptive pill, I'll post about that later. This is about other endocrine disruptors, and specifically breast implants. 


Before I had my breast implants removed on and off I was having severe menopausal symptoms, and then PMS. This is very common with POI, which basically means for an unknown reason your ovaries aren't functioning correctly and seemingly have gone through menopause, but also are still  going through it, and can also occasionally have a normal cycle. It's not super fun I'll tell you that. 

During this crazy abnormal hormonal cycling between hot flushes, raging anxiety, suicidal thoughts (yes low oestrogen can cause this), period cramps, heavy bleeding, brain fog... we also started trying for a baby. Since we knew the odds maybe against us, we began thay path too. So I would be at the same time praying for my period to show I had my montly cycle back, but also wishing I would be pregnant and trying not to sweat to death from hot flushes. 

 Then I got M.E. on top of that and decided that taking some hormones for a while would give me some respite whilst I healed the worst of the two evils, the debilitating fatigue. 

So fast forward to last year, I had my breast implants out and IMMEDIATELY 50% of my fatigue lifted. Until the day of the op, I was  having help even to wash my hair and couldn't leave the house. The day after a 5 hour surgery to scrape off the implant scar capsule and all remnants from my ribs, I felt better than I had in a year, and wanted to go for a walk. I could feel my energy levels flying up. I was elated as you can imagine. 

 Well shortly after this, I knew I was on the mend (after trying EVERYTHING else for over a year before this) and decided to stop taking HRT. Again, I immediately felt better. I felt like there was a blanket over everything, my mood, my joy, my interest in stuff, and it lifted as soon as I stopped taking it.  

The amazing news is, I then immediately started getting my monthly cycle back. Its taken a while but slowly I can feel myself rebalancing. My womb and ovaries are waking up and can finally be free of the disruption from the breast implant chemicals.  My body knows this to be true and the consultant agreed. She couldn't believe it. She's the third specialist I've now spoken to, since having my implants removed, and they literally can't believe my levels of natural oestrogen and how my body is flowing more and more in a regular cycle. In her words - "you've really got me thinking here Suzie, I've never seen anything like this turnaround".  She went off to discuss with the fertility and hormonal board in Oxford. She agreed that plastics can disrupt hormones, but still had a hard time accepting it could be the implants, but also conceded that she's heard of similar stories and wonders about safety tests. Hmmmm. Yes, shall we do some of those?! Do you know there is ONE SINGLE study showing that breast implants are safe. ZERO studies. Yet Multi trillion dollar industry. It's sickening. 


So, I'm here to tell you, don't take a diagnosis lying down. I never accepted that for no  reason my ovaries would just go to sleep. The fertility clinics in Spain and Portugal also don't accept that and show that ovaries can be reawakened, so what first makes them go dormant? Could it be the toxic stressful world we live in? Seems not many people are interested in that, so we have to do the research ourselves. I've literally got my life back. I thought I genuinely might just shut down and die it was getting that bad. And now I'm recovering and even my fertility and hormones are too. Our bodies are incredible, if we give them the conditions to heal. 

 Think; plastics in our environment, in our kitchens, in our tap water, in our fridge, in our utensils, in our food!! Then we have all these processed fake 'foods', that arent even foods, pesticides and forever chemicals in high concentrations found in meats and even in our tap water! These things are literally causing a pandemic of chronic illness and womb sickness such as PCOS, POI, and fibroids. Add to that 'safe' prosthetics and botox and you've got a concoction of death. 

 The best thing I ever did was to listen to my body’s cries and remove all of that from my life, and now I actually have the chance to heal 🩷 


I'll share more in depth about my recovery journey and how I'm healing my womb/fertility and reversing early menopause in my new show - The Soul Show ♥️  

You can come and join me there:

Namaste 🌺

If you have any questions or want to chat, please feel free to reach out to me


Could my breast implants have been killing me?