Shakti Coaching

Work with me ❤


We all come to earth, into a human existence for a purpose, and my whole life I have been lucky to know that mine was to help others and the planet, I just wasn’t sure how exactly this would come about. I learnt to trust the Universe, and it has delivered me here to you now!

My 1-on-1 Shakti Coaching helps you find YOU! To help women find their wildness, to find their pleasure, to release traumas, collective and our own, and to honour our cycles, our flow, our feminine. The world we live in now is masculine-based and this means that many of us women also lean into our masculine and deny our feminine; we do, we rush, we are productive and efficient, but we don’t know how to surrender, how to be, how to dance and be free - the world doesn’t teach us that, because when we are in our power, in our feminine, we aren’t controllable, we are powerful and elusive to the powers that be that want us to produce and keep consuming! The best thing I ever did was allow myself to practice letting that expectation go, and I actually was then inspired to create the life I now live, free from what I was told I ‘should’ be as a woman.

I’m here to help you rediscover freedom, your soul’s purpose, your pleasure, and your peace!

Why ‘Shakti’ Coaching?

I often get asked this; Shakti is many things, but one way shakti is described is our sexual life-force energy. She is also often used to depict the feminine aspect of ourselves and the world, the flowing element of things, all that moves and feels and burns. She is fierce and soft and all things in between. I use ‘Shakti Coaching’ to set an intention that we too will return to ourselves, to our shakti, to learn how to move and free our sexual energy, something the whole world is craving! We need a balance of masculine (SHIVA) and feminine (SHAKTI) and for most of us, it’s the latter that has been buried, trapped and silenced, and if we want to embody peace, pleasure and happiness; balance is essential! It’s time to unleash her and watch your inner and outer world flow into harmony!

“I thrive on watching you thrive; as women we blossom and ReWild together”

— Suzie Ford

What to expect:

I intuitively guide you into what you need in each session; listening to you, your body and what is present, to help balance your chakras, unblock and release traumas and habits, come back to hormonal balance, relieve womb issues, and get deep into subconscious work to enable you to step more fully into the life of your dreams and find space for you in everyday. We may use (not an exhaustive list):

  • Trauma release exercises

  • Tantric bodywork

  • Sounding and voice activation

  • Tantra yoga

  • Movement and dancing

  • Sacred sexuality

  • Theta healing

  • Angelic Reiki

  • Wellness guidance

  • Shamanic ancestral clearing

  • Soul retrieval

  • Kundalini dance

When we delve into shadow or inner work, we realise that this is essential work for us all. It is not about getting rid of our shadow, it’s about learning to accept and integrate it. For many of us a lot of our shadow includes shame around sex, yet sex and our sexual energy is our life-force, so through denying and hiding it, we have cut ourselves off from source and our power. I help you rediscover your life-force, your shakti, and in doing so to find pleasure, freedom and peace in every moment
— Suzie Ford

SACRED SEXUALITY - coming back to you and your womb and sexual health

I get a lot of shudders at the words SEX and PLEASURE…this is the madness and sad reality of times we live in - but it’s time to reclaim this! Work on ourselves can never leave this out - it’s a vital part!

Sex and pleasure are an integral part of the spiritual path, we are spirit incarnate having a human experience for a reason, and one of the greatest atrocities of all times is making the act of making love (to yourself or another) dirty or taboo.

Sacred Sexuality not only assists you to create and circulate your most potent life force energy throughout your body, but in the process you begin to release blocks consciously and unconsciously stored in your body. This stagnating energy is the reason why a lot of us think that cramps during PMS is normal - it isn’t and is indication that energy isn’t moving!

  • Feel alive and juicy – clear the blocks to full aliveness, pleasure and movement in your body

  • Rediscover and unleash your passion at any age or stage of your life

  • Womb health and clearing pain and stagnation in our sacral and root chakras (this helps heal PMS, cysts, PCOS, endometriosis etc)

  • Find self-pleasure practice and explore self-love

  • Open to more pleasure and surrender in lovemaking and in life

  • Understand how sexuality and relationship are a spiritual practice

  • Find passion and pleasure in your relationships and reignite the spark

  • What tantric sex is and how to use energy during lovemaking

  • Have longer, deeper loving with increased presence and enhanced sensation

  • Allow yourself to be the multi-orgasmic Goddess that you truly are

  • Sex Magick - manifesting using sexual energy

Your options

  • Shakti Coaching - 5 or 13 week containers

    We spend 5 or 13 sessions together, which includes 1 full consultation (a session is included in this consultation) and then subsequent sessions tailored to you that can be in person or on zoom. We will work together through a specific topic or situation, or more general to help you release traumas, find out what is holding you back, rediscover your dreams, work to release unhealthy habits and do inner child or shadow work. You will receive practices to do every day.

    You will also receive discount onto my ‘Shakti Unleashed’ group programme and retreats.

  • 'Shakti Unleashed' programme- 13 weeks; including group coaching


    This is a BRAND NEW offering merging my popular ReWilding online group coaching course AND my Shakti Unleashed on-on-one programme...

    So why group coaching AND one-to-one work?

    Well it’s simple, we heal more together. The huge shifts women can experience when uniting, whilst on their own journey, are immeasurable. We learn from each other, and ourselves, how to lift and drop, rise and fall, flow and pause, and that it is all part of our path as women and makes us who we are. We don’t need to do everything alone or be a superwoman - we can just be ourselves, be loved, and perfect in every moment without needing to be anything more.

    One-to-one work is the deepest work I offer and also helps me tailor our journey together to what you need, so bringing the two together in one offering means you get the benefit of BOTH ❤

    Click HERE to read more about my Shakti Unleashed Programme