Start Your Journey

Guiding you deeper into knowing yourself, is the greatest journey that we can do together, won’t you come fly with me?

What’s Included

the choice.

It all starts somewhere, and here the start is choosing YOU! Choosing to meet yourself on the mat at my weekly yoga class, that is focussed on meeting you wherever you are, and guiding you deeper into yourself.

the journey.

We will flow together through a flexible combination of in-person and online yoga and meditation classes, PLUS always have access to my ever-expanding full video library for those weeks when you want more.

the extras.

You also get 10% off all workshops, every month! And FREE access to my monthly extra online offerings such as card readings, and yoga nidras.

You can also choose to give yourself even more love and attend my monthly moon circles, workshops and coaching as part of your membership, with a huge discount!

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Wild cat

Full access to my video library - something for every mood, feeling and season.



+Yoga classes

‘Wild cat’, PLUS 4 in-person or online yoga classes a month



+Moon circles and workshop

‘Wolf’, PLUS monthly moon-circle and one workshop a month. Great value for those who attend my workshops and classes.


‘The Tigeress’ PLUS a monthly 1:1 coaching session with me, to heal, reveal and open to the wonders of yourself, your sexuality and your wellness.



Start your journey now


If you want to heal from trauma but are unsure how to begin this journey or you are on that path but struggling and lacking direction, then this is the place for you.

Suzie opened me up to so many new concepts including taoism and shamanism where she is a fountain of knowledge.

She created an amazing loving and therapeutic environment that made me feel safe and comfortable I have finished the course feeling a lot more confident and with direction.

A happy customer