My Courses

Come and join me for in-depth, life-changing online courses.

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What’s Included in all my courses



It all begins and ends with you, whatever your intention may be. And it is my intention to help you be the best version of you.


All courses can be done at your own pace. I guide you in creating more space and freedom in your life, not feeling stressed fit too much in.


Growth is guaranteed, your choice is how much. This work is profound and is what the world is calling for!



You get my support; email access throughout the course and feedback and review at the beginning and end.


Meet others’ who are in the same boat as you and feel how soothing that is to be surrounded by those on the path of healing.


During the course you will be equipped with tools to make choices about how you want your life to look and how you step into your power.



Shakti Unleashed

A live online 13 week programme of feminine reclamation and healing ❤

Starts April 2022!


ReWilding: Express

A fully self-paced online experience!


What people are saying


“Taking part in Suzie’s ReWilding course is the best thing I’ve done for myself and my healing in years and years. This unique course has helped me in so many aspects of my life and to embrace nature with activities such as meditation, journaling, trauma release work, shaking/dancing, vocalising emotions and wild swimming.

Suzie is an amazing, kind and supportive person with beautiful energy and the ability to hold space for others to heal. Choose you and choose this course with Suzie. You won’t regret it!”

— ReWilder Summer 2021

I enjoyed Wild swimming as it opened me up to something different and an activity that I will do again, as being in the water I just felt free and when we did the water ceremony and spoke out around the negative thoughts that we wanted to get rid of as they are not serving us I found this very powerful, it is something I often reflect on especially when the thoughts come up in my mind, I visually watch them flow away down the river.”

— previous ReWilder

“Working within a group and supporting each other through the process, as well as seeing change in the other ladies was so beautiful. The changes I’ve seen within myself are incredible! Right from the first session group coaching made me feel comfortable as I did not feel so alone, some of the issues that I was coming with were shared by the other women so I could relate to them and gained from any feedback they received from Suzie.

— previous ReWilder

I would definitely recommend the course especially if you need support or are have some traumas you wish to release. I thought it was well run and professional. I learnt how to take more time for myself, released traumas I didn’t know I was still holding onto, and do things I have never tried. I have also learnt to recognise my own self worth ❤

— previous ReWilder

Shine womb-an!