About me

I’m Suzie

Tantra Facilitator, Yoga and Meditation teacher, Energy Coach and Healer…amongst many things…and I love to help you find your way back to you, back to Shakti ❤

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us, the masculine too.

Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.

Shakti is all these things, yet at the same time, she cannot truly be defined, she cannot be restrained, she cannot be put in a box.. she is the infinite mystery of existence, and each woman manifests a different aspect of the mystery.

My class principles are based on inclusivity for all, regardless of age, gender, ability, injury - everyone is welcome and we share love, compassion and respect for each other as we all take our individual but connected journeys to be the best version of ourselves and free our mind and body from suffering.

I offer online teaching videos, classes in yoga and meditation, workshops and retreats. So whether you have never ventured onto a yoga mat before; are an experienced yogi; recovering from injury or illness, or feel like your mind is too busy to sit and meditate - I have something for all of you.

Come join me on the mat.



A little bit about my yoga journey

I found yoga at a young age, in fact yoga found me…

…I don’t even know how I came across it, but I used to follow a DVD in my room, and then a book, and do the poses to alleviate hormonal imbalances and sciatica, which I suffered with as a teenager due to what I now know is 3 bulging discs on my spine. I was told to just take ibuprofen but realised that yoga had come to me for a reason, as had meditation, so I got started and am grateful every day now that I did. I also used to meditate and not really know what it was that I was doing, I would sit really still and focus on my hands and feel peace and joy all at once  - my first glimpse of meditation. Again that came to me for a reason as a child and now meditation is a practice I explore every day; along with yoga, and it has totally transformed my life and helped me in more ways than I can explain .

I was meant to be on this path and some of us are born more receptive to the energies of the universe, and the universal truth that in fact we are that universal energy. I knew this from a very young age and being an empath I would feel how others and animals felt, and how a situation felt, way before I even understood what was going on. Empaths are able to feel energy and have deep compassion to their core. I used to wonder why I feel sad when someone else is sad, or if I saw suffering on the tv or of an animal it would really shake me. I now know it’s because I have been gifted with being empathic and this guides me even more towards my purpose to help alleviate suffering in the world and be part of creating a new world and lifting our collective energy.

This may all sound a little odd to some of you, but we all have the same truth; that we are all inter-connected and are this life force, and this is where Shakti Love comes into my teachings and the way I live my life. Through teaching yoga and meditation, energy work and well-being coaching, I would love to help everyone discover their own inner power, peace and happiness. I also guide people to experience and feel that they are Shakti - that we are all one and whole and are only separate in our minds ❤

“Ahimsa - to live within the reality that we are all connected - to each other, to all living beings, and the earth”

— Ancient vedic text