Beginner’s Mind

An 8-class deep-dive into YOU, with yoga

Mondays 7-8pm starting 6th December 2021

“Yoga is a powerful tool for self-transformation. It asks us to bring our attention to our breath, thus stilling the mind, and being more present in the ever-unfolding moment”


Yoga is more than the physical asanas (postures), so much more.

The Sanskrit word for yoke is yuj, or ‘yoke’, not like an egg, but a huge ancient device used to join cattle or horses. What they were yoking long ago when ancient yogic scriptures were written, were war horses. Yoga was both the device and technique to calm the horses down so that you could focus them and do the work of war.

They are the perfect symbol of frenetic beings “chomping at the bit.” If you couldn’t control them, then there weren’t useful, and some of these texts the writers compare these same high energy horses with our mind. In a famous passage one says that we should seek to understand yoga because without it the mind runs “hither and thither like wild horses.” Are you familiar with that feeling?

Yoga also means ‘union’ not only of body, mind and soul, but also of us with the divine, a truth that we all know dep down, we have just come so far away from it in modern life.

In this series we will really explore what this union means to us, and how adopting an eternal ‘Beginner’s Mind’ in yoga, meditation and in life, is an essential way to know ourselves, and our truth.

“There is no other greater ecstacy than to know who you are”

— Tantric text

The series

We will use the 8 limbs of yoga and tantric philosophy as a guide to deepen into experiencing who we are with yoga, learning the foundations for a regular practice and experiencing the benefits of a quieter, clearer mind, and happy body - with this curious ‘Beginner’s Mind as our tool.

We will use a mixture of yoga’s tools:

  • Hatha-vinyasa yoga asana (postures) for ALL levels

  • Tantra movement

  • Yoga philosophy

  • Pranayama (breath control)

  • Guided-meditation

  • Yin-yoga

  • Yoga-nidra

Whether you already attend my classes or not, whether you have never sat on a yoga mat before, whether you are as un-bendy as a metal pole, or can make a pretzel with your body, whether you have the busiest mind in history, or feel zen like a cat - this 8 class series is for you!

I teach classes online and across Worcester and would love us all to pause, and take a refresh, so that we all have a foundation of yoga, ready to deepen into stuff in 2022.

Even if this is your first time, or you’ve been doing yoga for years, this is a must to do! I’ve been doing it myself behind the scenes, really exploring more of what yoga is, how it helps me, re-reading philosophies, and putting aside the time to EXPERIENCE them, which is what I will share with you in these 8 classes - I can’t wait!

The classes will run from every Monday 7pm (excluding 10th Jan as an integration week)

The cost for the 8-class series is £66. Drop-ins £10. Booking is essential.

Email me with any queries.


This series is FREE to members. Find out how to become a member and get access to my online video library, discount to workshops and so much more.

About me, your host

Hi, I’m Suzie, I teach a mixture of hatha (tantra yoga), vinyasa and yin yoga, with the focus being on alignment in the poses to most benefit the body; creating a synergy between mind, body and soul through the practices of yoga and meditation. Inner and outer peace are what I would like to guide you to find. We practice on the mat to then be able to emulate these things in our everyday activities; yoga is a way of life, not just something we do on the mat.

I love teaching, and alongside this I run a Shakti 1-on-1 coaching programme, online ReWilding courses and regular yoga, meditation and tantra classes and workshops. We go deep into issues that many of us face and I help you find the tools you need to find your best life and return to inner happiness.

Have more questions about the series or working with me?

Email me to discuss the right options for you- I can’t wait to meet you!