

A Tantric-Shamanic Healing Immersion

Your 8 week journey to reclaim your life and the 3 Ps; your peace, your passion and your pleasure


You will learn how to:

Feel more calm and peaceful everyday

Reclaim YOUR life and feel like the leader of it

Feel empowered to make the right decisions for YOU

Feel pleasure and release numbness

Carve out time each day for self-care

Know your dreams and how to chase them

Create an empowerment toolbox to manage any of life’s difficult situations

Get on the path of freedom from chronic illness

Manifest abundance

  • Move

    Holistically balancing our chakra system and releasing trauma with yoga, dancing, qi gong and specific trauma release exercises

  • Observe

    Exploring your deepest beliefs by watching your habits, patterns and resistance and changing them with ancient powerful techniques

  • Listen

    Learn how to quieten your mind, do inner work by listening to yourself, and in doing so access your true nature of peace

  • Nourish

    Food and thoughts as medicine; invite healthy daily rituals to ensure the best nourishment for body, mind and soul

  • Wild

    Return home to nature and learn to allow your inner wild to be expressed and heard. Let you inner Wild Woman FREE!

The details

  • What's included

    πŸ¦‹ Weekly 2 hour Zoom session

    πŸ¦‹ Weekly theme talk and slides (recorded)

    πŸ¦‹ Weekly Live and recorded meditations

    πŸ¦‹ Live and recorded focussed tantra-yoga classes

    πŸ¦‹ Yoga-nidra session for peaceful sleep and deep relaxation

    πŸ¦‹ Wild and nature activities

    πŸ¦‹ Journaling prompts

    πŸ¦‹ Weekly check-in with me your host

  • Added value

    πŸ¦‹ Reading suggestions

    πŸ¦‹ 'ReWild' gift pack sent to your door (value Β£40)

    πŸ¦‹ Membership to the ReWilding Network to share and ask questions in community

    πŸ¦‹ Lifetime access to all recordings and resources

    πŸ¦‹ Integration week

    πŸ¦‹ One 121 session of healing and coaching with me

    πŸ¦‹ Discount on my up and coming Re-wilding retreats

β€œWe all have the ability to be happy and full of joy and pleasure; our mindset and deep beliefs are everything. We will [in this course] venture into these places, rooting into our nature, and into nature, to experience what is always there inside of all of us.

Accelerated alienation from the natural world and from our natural state; to be still; forage for food when we need to; and to move and play the rest of the time; contributes to a general sense of anxiety, isolation, and restlessness in the world - this is the true pandemic! Getting back in touch with the wild, and thus your inner-wild, is proposed as a way of helping people β€œremember what we are, where we belong, and how much we have to be grateful for.”

β€” Your ReWilding guide

Meet your guide

Suzie is a keen naturalist (not to be confused with naturist, or maybe?! haha), and knows the enormous benefits of being in, and connected to, nature and ourselves. She teaches yoga and meditation, online courses, runs retreats around the globe, and does 1-on-1 energy and sexuality coaching; all with the aim to help you live your best most joyous, pleasure-filled life.

Her work aims to bring us back to ourselves and to nature, healing the variety of dis-ease that we see so widespread nowadays. This course is a way to experience what she would lead you into on retreat, from your own home - an immersion into yourself. She loves to guide people in this way, to help you get out of your own way and to dream wildly, and achieve those dreams.

The question is, are you ready to choose YOU?…

See you on the other side of that choice, where healing and peace awaits you…

P.S. This is my last run of ReWilding for this year starting in October! Spaces are very limited to create an intimate container so enquire now to reserve your place! 2 spots already booked!

Still not sure if the course is right for you?
