I am Suzie Ford - How I am continually stepping into myself ❤


Some things just happen because they are supposed to, no matter how much your conditioning and preferences resist, and it can be as simple as someone saying a few words and you having that ‘oh yeh?!’ moment, to make you realise what you haven’t been listening to for months, maybe years! Well this is what happened for me.

I started my yoga business in 2019 and loved finally teaching formally and allowing my wings to spread. I came to teaching in another of these ‘Oh yeh?!’ moments, but more about that in a later post. I am an animal lover through and through and so being vegan came naturally to me 8 years ago, after being vegetarian, and basically vegan, since I was young. So naming my business was easy, I wanted to help people feel connected to themselves, to others and to nature - so I went with Ahimsa.


Ahimsa is an ancient principle based in the recognition that everyone and everything is inter-connected and so no-one can hurt anyone or any animal or nature, or they would be hurting themselves, this also includes the words we say to OURSELVES and what we put into our bodies etc. I loved it and we have been working with Ahimsa since then…

Fast forward to today and if I am honest, I work A LOT, and feel pulled between the charity, my business and my own inner journey, which is and always will be the priority in my life, and ideally is in everyone’s life. Well my business and sharing my journey was feeling stretched between my personal social media, where I felt open and real, and my business ones where I felt a little stretched to share what I thought ‘was right’, thus having multiple places to be me. So I knew this couldn’t carry on.

My ‘Oh yeh?!’ Moment

I then had several enlightening chats with friends and marketing specialists and heard the same thing over and over: “People come to your classes and work with you, because of you, so why not just be Suzie Ford”, and I’ll tell you what happened next, I was scared. The first feeling was of un'-doing the brand I had been trying to create, but the more pressing issue was - what if people don’t like me, and think it’s arrogant to be me. Well I quickly was told and realised that that is nonsense. It also was in plain sight that the reason I hadn’t been able to share ‘my business’ was because it wasn’t me, and lets face it, people come to my classes for my individual and unique way of sharing yoga and helping people be well, they come for me, they share with their friends because of me, not because of some abstract business.

I also realised I hadn’t been writing as I was constantly wondering what would fit with Ahimsa and wondering where my brand was going! Well all that is no more, because I will continue to share me, step into me and BE me, and now I don’t need to worry about where I am goig because I let the universe guide me. I visualise, manifest, allow my heart to be open and then get out of the way. Now this doesn’t always come easy, not AT ALL, and I would love to share with you some of my mindset tools in my next workshop “How to get out of your own way”, ones that I come back to every day to enable my highest potential, and the insanely incredible things the universe has in store for me to come into this reality.

So…without further ado, I welcome you to all things me, and you can find me in these places:



Facebook profile

Facebook page

If I was to give you some advice, it would be, don’t be afraid to roll it back and choose simplicity, but most of all, don’t be afraid to be YOU and SHINE!

Thanks for listening, and if you want to stay tuned to hear more insights into yoga, living your best life, meditation, reiki and being a nature lover, subscribe below 👇

Love S x


Why self-love is so important, and often so hard!