Why moon blood and your cycles are sacred 🩸

Ok so let’s start by acknowledging that this is STILL somehow a topic that we aren’t supposed to talk about, it’s a little taboo or hush hush, which if you think about it is totally weird as half of the population have a womb (or did have and may not anymore), and would have bled at some point. So I’m here to begin a more intimate journey into the sacredness of our cycles and bleeding, and my own personal journey with hormonal and energetic challenges, which hopefully may help others suffering with the same or similar issues - and THIS is why we should talk about this more, no more suffering alone and in silence!


Onto the topic of celebrating - I am celebrating this past week because I properly got my period on Friday! I know this can seem a little odd, but it really shouldn’t be, let me explain…

If you rewind 5 years or so I used to be glad I was on the pill and never had a bleed! Oh how odd that is to me now! Most of you ladies will resonate with that at some point, how bleeding can seem in the way, inconvenient and the PMS and things that come with it are no fun - well I’m here to tell you something quite controversial (no change there!) - it is NOT normal to have pain and all sorts of other symptoms when you bleed, that is a myth and is largely due to stagnation of energy in our womb space, as well as trauma, diet and lifestyle - and it CAN be changed.

But why I am celebrating my period, or ‘moon’ as it’s often coined?

Well, where do I start…I was on the combined pill from a very young age due to horrifically heavy periods. I would bleed fo r5 months, have a scan and my womb lining would still be 3 times as thick as it should be. So you can imagine I had some fun over the years. The pill gave me a withdrawal bleed each month and steady hormones because I was taking hormones in, but something didn’t feel right, and a lot of women on the pill report that they don’t feel ‘quite right’ taking it. It stops you ovulating after all, which is a huge part of your cycles and function as a womb bearer!

Anyway, more of that in my next post ‘Why the contraceptive pill is more dangerous than you thought’….

So I went on like this for years, trying several times to come off the pill and explore why my periods had been so chaotic, and each time being advised to stay on the pill, which then was switched to the mini-pill or progesterone only pill due to migraines forming, which by the way can be caused in their entirety by the combined pill, and can cause strokes in women as young as mid-20s - scary sh*t!

So eventually I took things into my own hands and came off it a few years ago, which was the BEST THING I HAVE EVER DONE! I had a long time with no periods at all, which apparently can be normal, but after 18 months of this I started asking questions ( again more on this in my next post specifically about the pill and taking hormones)…

Fast forward to a year ago, years after stopping the pill, and I was given a diagnosis of ‘infertility’ (over the phone might I add due to covid clsoing the fertility clinic all together, and then not another appointment for a year), which I was told can be a side-effect of long term pill use, or just an abnormality, but none of my tests showed why, in fact they came back all very strong genetically, and the ‘perfect candidate for pregnancy’ physically - the doctors words entirely! Can you imagine my shock when I was then offered more hormones in the form of HRT, which would essentially be a life-lomg prescription and wouldn’t give me any chance of healing my reproductive and hormone system myself. WELL, thankfully I knew my body, I wasn’t accepting this diagnosis, and trusted my intuition that I could and would heal myself, and I started using the (long lost) feminine arts practices that I had been trainiing in and practicing for years on and off! So I decided I needed to prioritise these and started that very evening; tantra yoga, qi gong, being in nature, taoist feminine arts, wild swimming, womb clearing, tantric healing and many more….

Do you wanna hear the magic part?!

Ecstatically I got my period back and started to get some regularity in my cycle! Wahooooo!

The doctors and specialist even told me the hormonal level results they were reading to me couldn’t be mine, and they must be switched with someone else, but nope, they were mine :) I am healing my womb, my ovaries and the stagnant energy stuck there from years on the pill, and years in abusive relationships - and it’s working!

So now do you get why I have been celebrating?!

These last 2 weeks I have been honouring my body big time, by slowing down, doing less, getting zen shiatsu massage (great for nervous system regulation), journaling, having baths, seeing family, being alone, meditating, doing qi gong barefoot on the grass, and just STOPPING to allow my body to flow. And it has. We have to return to the practices of honouring our bleeds, going into our ‘red tent’ and letting others know that this is a sacred and important time to rest and asking for their help.


A few reasons why our moon blood is sacred and why we should return to these ancient practices:

  1. Your body is meant to do this, and not just to have a baby, it’s birthing your creativity into the world with your flow and cycle

  2. It is a time in each month when our energy is really grounded (going down and out) so it’s a time of higher intuition and insight - a great time to be alone, in nature and to meditate

  3. We have the opportunity to know ourselves better if we track our cycle and see the patterns in how we feel, so we are prepared and can not feel like the world is ending and it’s our fault - it’s our hormones

  4. We can learn to slow down for a week or so each month, even if you’re not bleeding, we can track the moon and take the full moon or new moon as our bleeding time and take some rest. For most of us we don’t rest enough and realising that this is vital for your body’s balance is a great way to a happier, healthier life

    And many more!

I have been doing blood rituals this week too, offering it to the earth and painting my face, perhaps try it next time, it is an amazing way to connect to yourself, your cycle and mother earth. We need to change the narrative of our moon being gross and something to hide and get excited about our bleed - it’s sacred!

If you don’t have a cycle, have imbalance or a lot of PMS symptoms, drop me a line, I would love to share with you some of these magical practices. I offer 1:1 women’s health coaching, which includes womb and sexuality healing with the lost feminine arts and tantric practices ❤ Message me HERE


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