Earthing; a way back to health and to yourself!

Do you want to know THE best thing you can do for yourself today?

Something that reduces inflammation and blood pressure, relieves stress, depression and anxiety, calms anger and frustration, heals auto-immune diseases - boosting immunity through the roof?

You won't believe it, you'll probably keep on scrolling and laugh at what this witchy yogi is telling you to do now.

But about just try it?

Go outside, I know it's cold and wet right now for a lot of you reading this, but do it anyway, and put your bare feet on the earth.

It's called Earthing or Grounding. And it's THAT SIMPLE. I promise this will change the game for you, it will for all of us.

The creation of synthetic materials such as synthetic rubber for the soles of our shoes was one of the breaking points of us away from nature! Our bodies function with electric current, and we have systems that are made to discharge our electric current so we’re not holding voltage, we earth ourselves, much like an earth cable in our electricity systems. However we can't do that without being in connection with the earth.. not through a shoe or a carpet, actually having a connection with the earth with our skin.

To make matters even worse, we now are surrounded by things giving off electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) which we absorb. This extra build up of electric charge creates havoc in our bodies. Every time you have an injury or an infection from a bacteria or virus, your body sends white blood cells to contain the issue. It does this by stripping the damaged/injured/infected cell of it’s electrons, thus killing the cell, and then regeneration and healing takes place. These extra electrons create a charge in the area that is doing the healing, but if this area is surrounded by plasma that already has a charge (that’s there from EMFs that we absorb from computers, phones, TV, 5G etc around us, and also from never discharging our bodies), then it means the body thinks we are being attacked again and sends another immune response to deal with it, thus adding more electrons (more charge to the area), which causes inflammation and a negative continuing feedback loop of immune response, and widespread inflammation in the body. This leads to immune diseases and many illnesses that come from being inflamed such as ME, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue etc.

We don’t need pills to heal us from these things, we are watching a pandemic of inflammation, and it can be healed by getting back to our birth truth, that we are part of nature and NEED to be connected to it directly. It's time to get back to nature to enable us to heal and feel truly ourselves again.

You may be reading this suffering from anxiety, dysfunction of your nervous system, fibromyalgia, stress, auto-immune disease, and isn’t it strange that these things are sky-rocketing the more and more surrounded we become with technology, and the more disconnected and removed we become from Mother Earth?

For many people, this has changed their lives, they literally got their lives back, and you could too.

Try it, and let me know how you get on. Spend as much time as you can with bare feet even if it’s cold, sit on the earth, meditate on the earth, play on the grass or sand,…even better, get naked and lie on the ground or get into the water like me 😉

TRUST ME! There is nothing else like it, totally calming, grounding, healing and soothing 💚💙

We will be doing Earthing and feeling the benefits in my retreats coming up in January and February 2022 - I can’t wait. See the link for more info or message me to find out how to book - only a few spaces left on each!

I highly recommended you watch ‘The Earthing Movie’ on Gaia also!


Why moon blood and your cycles are sacred 🩸


Witch hunts and vaccines