Witch hunts and vaccines

I have been feeling extremely wound up by now - 18months of watching this sh*show, all the lies and the silencing of anything that goes against 'the centralised narrative', from here on instgram to doctors being censored as they speak against the more and more alarming steps we are taking...now kids, who aren't even at risk of C-V, being vaccinated with untested risky vaccines!!

So what do witch hunts, nazis and the mass killings of the Soviet Union have in common with what we are going through right now?

Mass Formation and Totalitarianism ⚠️

I had an incredible podcast shared with me that led me to research this psychological phenomena that we're deep into now (see bottom of the post for the link). And it gave me a glimmer of hope that the world hasn’t just turned into zombies, and that there is positive movement.

This mass formation is created by the conditions of: lack of social bond, lack of meaning in our jobs and lives, plus free-floating anxiety and frustration - then throw in a mass media spread narrative that is the focus of everyone's anxieties, with a strategy to solve it no matter how ludicrous the strategy...and all of a sudden you have mass formation and we're being pulled down a rabbit hole that most of us would usually not want to be going down.

Women as witches were proposed as the 'problem' to the social and economical issues in the 1800s, and the strategy was burning them! Everyone that would never agree with that before the narrative was span went along with it. They came together as their free-floating anxieties were put into one, they were given one focus to their feeling of anxiety and frustration in their life, the focus was witches, and so then they agreed with any solutions, the more ridiculous the better, to get rid of their anxiety. They could finally control their anxiety and were told they could get rid of it as the witches burned....obviously this was not the case!

Same culprit behind Nazi Germany and Soviet Union. I often wondered how millions of people stood by and watched as millions were murdered, and the psychological phenomena of mass formation and totalitarianism can explain this.

The beginnings of mass formation were industrialisation and technological advances, as these result in less social bond and more isolation, as well as huge widespread anxiety and frustration and anger..and we need a scapegoat to blame this on.

Then the mass media that is a huge part of this phenomena, spins a narrative led by leaders, and then on the back of that their chosen strategy - in this case lockdowns, masks and now vaccines.

So what is the main way to stop this?

It is said that 20-30% of people actually go along with it all, then 40% of people who don't agree but feel to conform follow, and that leaves 20-30% of us who are dissident. The magic however is that those 40% of people in the middle can be informed and change their stance. We must divide, this is all about our humanity and being stripped of it, so conversing and speaking out in our networks, dispelling fear and helping each other is really vital. Even getting out of the system altogether to be in community could be an incredible step to help and find meaning and clarity in our lives.


I have found my voice again and I see that a lot of my anger and rage I am feeling at the moment is from feeling powerless as I watch things happen that I never dreamed of seeing - people agreeing with restrictions and 'the strategy' that are literally killing more people than the C-V ever would - people starving in the developing world from lockdown, deaths from cancers, diseases without treatment, domestic violence deaths through the roof, suicides...and that doesn't even mention large scale mental health damage and loss of mind!

If you are speaking up I see you. If you're not sure about what is what, keep researching and speaking to those who are speaking out. Keeping your thoughts free of fear is essential.

It is even more important as ever that we don't feel socially isolated, so please, whoever you are and whatever you believe, I am here to talk to all of you ❤

The link to the podcast is here:


Earthing; a way back to health and to yourself!


Body love - your way in to deep healing ❤