
Friday 29th July until Monday 1st August 2022

Let your Wild Woman out!


The world needs you to ReWild and let your inner Wild Woman out, and there is no better way than on a ReWilding retreat!

I have put together a programme that gives you the opportunity to switch off, go inward and crack wide open, as loud and as messy as you like - it’s all fabulous!

Over the 4 days we will work through the chakra system, unblocking, clearing and allowing our voice, our passions, our pleasure to come and play!

We will be immersed in nature, and allow Mother Earth to guide and weave us together, and back to her; back to ourselves.

Do you feel stuck in your life?

Do you feel like you don’t know your dreams anymore?

Are you numb? Sexually? Emotionally? Physically? Mentally?

Do you suffer with hormonal imbalance?

Have you been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder?

Do you feel like you’re always holding your anger in?

Would you like to be surrounded by a community of like-minded-wild women?

Do you think to yourself ‘Is this all life is about?!’,

…then it’s time come on this journey with me to REWILD!


What’s included

  • NOW UPGRADED TO: 3 night’s private room or twin accommodation in a beautiful character-filled house

  • 3 delicious, nourishing plant-based meals a day

  • Tea station (I’m a herbal tea addict)

  • Tantra yoga

  • Tantric bodywork

  • Trauma release exercises

  • Somatic healing practices

  • Sounding voice expression work

  • Goddess dancing

  • Guided-meditations

  • Nature bathing

  • Wild swimming

  • Ceremony and circle sharing

    ..And so much more!

This a 3 day retreat running from Friday 29th July at 4pm until Monday 1st August at 11am before heading off home (or time at the ocean) gleaming and beaming, full of pleasure, love and more self-knowing!

We will be staying in a beautiful holistic retreat centre deep in nature, where we can access wild swimming and will be immersed in nature, and also the stars - perfect for switching off and having a digital, physical, mental and emotional detox.

This is going to be big, it’s going to be profound, it’s going to be fun and I promise you it’s going to be transformational!!

I literally can’t wait for this!

Click the image for pricing, more info and to reserve your space…

Click the image for pricing, more info and to reserve your space…

Spaces are limited to make this an intimate, deeply magical space - so secure your spot now, payment plans available!

Terms and conditions can be found here, we advise taking out holiday cancellation insurance to cover yourself during these tumultuous times.


About me, your host

Hi, I’m Suzie, I teach a mixture of hatha (tantra yoga), vinyasa and yin yoga, with the focus being on alignment in the poses to most benefit the body; creating a synergy between mind, body and soul through the practices of yoga and meditation. Inner and outer peace are what I would like to guide you to find. We practice on the mat to then be able to emulate these things in our everyday activities; yoga is a way of life, not just something we do on the mat.

I love teaching, and alongside this I run a Tantric ‘Shakti’ coaching programme, online courses and regular yoga, meditation and tantra classes and workshops. We go deep into issues that many of us face and I help you find the tools you need to find your best life and return to inner happiness.


Have more questions?

Contact me here to discuss the right options for your retreat - I can’t wait to meet you!