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Shakti Sister Circle - March Full Moon


Libra Full moon


β€œAs Venus travels with the sun between the 23-30th March you may find Venus themes rising within you, especially those that need healing. This may mean you find you are doubting yourself, hiding or shrinking, finding yourself struggling to ask for what you need or looking outside yourself for love, approval or validation. 

It’s so important to spend some time with these parts of you, especially the vulnerable, scared and insecure parts, as this full moon is going to help you to find the balance between who you were and who you are now becoming, helping you to let go of the parts of you that are no longer serving you or your evolution.

Under this moon you are going to be given the opportunity to heal and release what keeps you out of balance and release all that you no longer need to keep carrying around with you, believing in, playing out or repeating so that you can create the space for the new to come in.”


Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.


We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough.

This event is by donation ( the women's circles that my charity Be The Change ( supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need.

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. Please feel free to bring crystals, essential oils and anything else you feel inclined to.

Please book below to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Magical Sisters, I await you πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’–

March 15

Shakti Sister Circle - March New Moon

April 4

ReWilding Workshop