
Moon Circle - July Dark Moon

Moon Circle - July Dark Moon


July Dark Moon


This new or dark moon as its often called, relates to positive change, freedom, excitement, and higher self-awareness. This is associated with partnership and compromise due to the fixed star joining the new moon. As well as bringing positive change, there will pleasant surprises, and stimulating encounters. It gives the freedom and willingness to leave your comfort zone and try something new and exciting. You should feel comfortable expressing the more flamboyant, creative, or kinky side of your personality. This is a good time to meet new people and they could be unorthodox, eccentric, or from different cultural or ethnic backgrounds than your own.

Increased self-awareness, intuition, flashes of insight, curiosity, and inventiveness allow you to make new discoveries and take full advantage of unexpected opportunities. Taking the opposite view or making changes in your life will not be as disruptive as it sometimes can. You will find new ways of doing things that can lead to greater efficiency.

We will utilise the energy of this new moon to assess the opportunities around us, our sexuality and delve into shame and how it could be impacting our life.

This will partner perfectly with our Lunar Love Workshop on 18th July, we will explore the meanings of the moon, how it can affect us and find deep relaxation as we are in the waxing moon phase at this time, a time to take note of changing energies. See my other events for details and how too book.


Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.


We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, journaling, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough.

This event is by donation at to the women's circles that my charity Be The Change supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need ❀

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. Please feel free to bring crystals, essential oils and anything else you feel inclined to.

Please book below to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Magical Sisters, I await you πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’–

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Yin Yang Yoga Workshop: Finding balance

Yin Yang Yoga Workshop: Finding balance

This event is all around finding peace and balance in our lives ☯

We will use ancient practices from Tantra, Taoism, Yoga and Shamanic clearing to release stuck energy, recalibrate our chakras and find peace in our body, mind and soul.

This is a beautiful community event and a wonderful way to celebrate the sunshine and yang energy in all of us that is amplified during the summer months, and also balance that with our lunar, yin energy that we still need to protect and cultivate during the active season of summer.

We will have a mixture of energetic chakra balancing exercises, yin yoga, yoga nidra, journaling and guided-meditation.

Please bring a yoga mat, blocks, cushions and a blanket. Wear comfy clothes and bring a journal (or notepad) and pen. We will talk about balancing our life every day and have some time to share.

As always we will have a vegan bring-and-share lunch after - so please do bring something to share! We will do this at 1pm so we usually end at about 1.30pm.

I will be bringing essential oils and crystals as examples, to help you find other tools to balance yourself during different situations.

Please invite friends and family, this is suitable for all levels and ages - I will give challenge to those who need it, and extra support to others. Yoga is for everyone!


Β£30 if booked before Friday 9th July, Β£35 usual price. Members get 10% off.

If you introduce a friend to my workshops, you both get 10% off (that’s a whooping 20% if you’re already a member!)

Can’t wait to see you on the mat ❀

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Shakti Sister Circle - June Full Moon

Shakti Sister Circle - June Full Moon


Strawberry Full moon


The Sun opposite the moon as it is at this time brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Is it time for a shift in career?
Is it time to let more people know what is in your heart?
Is it time to focus more on what it is you love to do?
Is it time to clean out your closets, or reorganize your altar?
Is it time to start a savings account, or add to it?

We will utilise the energy of this full moon to really look inward and to gaze our focus over the balance between yin and yang, rest and work, family and commitments in our life.


Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.


We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough.

This event is by donation at to the women's circles that my charity Be The Change supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need ❀

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. Please feel free to bring crystals, essential oils and anything else you feel inclined to.

Please book below to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Magical Sisters, I await you πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’–

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Summer SOULstice Sun Celebration

Summer SOULstice Sun Celebration

I am delighted to announce my first yoga event since being back from the beautiful sunny Costa Rica - and what better way to celebrate than with a sun celebration 🌞

We will:

Raise the energy with trauma release movement work and chakra dance πŸ’ƒ

Salute the sun and Shiva, with sun salutations and a yummy warm yoga flow πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ

Set intentions and cultivate shakti to leap into the summer 🌻

Toast the sun and ourselves and all things yang with a delicious cacao ceremony β˜•

Rejuvenate and shine light into our bodies with β€˜Inner smile’ meditation 😊

Bring all that delicious energy we have raised back into our bodies and nourish our kidneys and bones (our energy stores, that also help balance hormones and heat - great for hot flushes), with a yin yoga nidra and bone breathing, all whilst being serenaded by sound 🎡

I can’t wait to share these magical practices with you!

What to bring:

Please wear comfy or yoga clothes, and bring a journal, yoga mat, blocks and strap (if you have them), cushions and a blanket.

We will have a bring-and-share-vegan lunch after, which is always amazing - let me know if you need ideas! Cutlery, plates and mugs provided, as well as snacks and of course delicious CACAO!


Β£30 if booked before Friday 11th June, after that Β£40.

Bring a friend and both get Β£5 off, bring 2 friends and your spot is 50% off πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌ

Members get 10% discount!

Message me for discount codes if either of these apply to you 😘

Venue TBC!

Watch out for the Moon Celebration next month in July, where we get into all things yin and relaxation!

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ReWilding Workshop

ReWilding Workshop

In this beautiful workshop we will explore ReWilding; returning to that inner-wild place of calm and pleasure, that we all have deep within.

We will allow ancient wisdoms to guide us; Shamanism, energy healing work, yogic lineages, tantra, spirit guides, astrology and Buddhism, which are all pointing to the same thing; that divinity is within and we have forgotten that. We will also use the energy of the Full Moon, the Worm Moon, as we bounce into Spring, to really feel into what IS, and allow our intuition to be heard.

This will also lead really nicely into our 7 week immersion course into ReWilding and feeling our absolute best!

We will first flow kundalini-yin chakra balancing workshop, as a journey through our energy body, releasing what feels stagnant and welcoming an awakening of our kundalini energy.

I will then guide you into introspective-meditation, a theta healing session, journaling, yoga-nidra (yogic sleep); a real opportunity to feel our inner-wild, that potential of what we can always be in any chosen moment, and how to get back to that! I’ll share some ways we can bring more of this into our every day lives, moving away from sitting on the sofa and consuming in our lives, to feeling energised, moving and creating.

You will float away from this workshop relaxed, inspired, and feeling like YOU, wild, wonderful YOU!

What you will need:

  • Yoga mat

  • Comfy clothes

  • Journal and pen

  • Aventurine or green crystals and grounding essential oils

  • Water

  • Blanket and cushions

Investment for the workshop is Β£25, with a 20% discount offered to those who have signed up to my ReWilding 7 week Immersion Course (you will receive the discount code automatically as part of your welcome pack! Bring a friend and both get Β£5 off πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½

Please don’t let money stop you though, we are all in this together - email me for details of assistance.

Is it time to ReWild? 🐺

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Shakti Sister Circle - March Full Moon

Shakti Sister Circle - March Full Moon


Libra Full moon


β€œAs Venus travels with the sun between the 23-30th March you may find Venus themes rising within you, especially those that need healing. This may mean you find you are doubting yourself, hiding or shrinking, finding yourself struggling to ask for what you need or looking outside yourself for love, approval or validation. 

It’s so important to spend some time with these parts of you, especially the vulnerable, scared and insecure parts, as this full moon is going to help you to find the balance between who you were and who you are now becoming, helping you to let go of the parts of you that are no longer serving you or your evolution.

Under this moon you are going to be given the opportunity to heal and release what keeps you out of balance and release all that you no longer need to keep carrying around with you, believing in, playing out or repeating so that you can create the space for the new to come in.”


Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.


We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough.

This event is by donation ( the women's circles that my charity Be The Change ( supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need.

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. Please feel free to bring crystals, essential oils and anything else you feel inclined to.

Please book below to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Magical Sisters, I await you πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’–

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Shakti Sister Circle - March New Moon

Shakti Sister Circle - March New Moon


New mon darkness πŸŒ‘

Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.

We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough

This event is by donation ( the women's circles that my charity Be The Change ( supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. For this session we will allocate a rock or crystal to be our 'gratitude rock' so please bring a rock or crystal to the event.

Please book here to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Can’t wait πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌ

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Shakti Sister Circle - February Snow Moon

Shakti Sister Circle - February Snow Moon


A snow moon
We'll wrap up the month with a cleansing full moon on Saturday, Feb. 27, which is bringing some much-needed grounding energy to our lives. The February 2021 full moon takes place in pragmatic earth sign Virgo β€” offering us a sense of practicality and detail-oriented focus that can help us actualize our dreams. It's a great time to ditch bad habits, get back on track with your long-forgotten 2021 wellness goals, and let go of any toxic feelings or relationships that might be holding you back.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.

Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough

This event is by donation ( the women's circles that my charity Be The Change ( supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. For this session we will allocate a rock or crystal to be our 'gratitude rock' so please bring a rock or crystal to the event.

Please book here to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Can’t wait πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌ

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Self-love Sunday - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

Self-love Sunday - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

This will be the week before I launch my course (name to be announced) on the theme of getting out of you own way and SELF-LOVE, where we will be releasing self-defeating mindsets, learning and practicing self-love and learning to surrender and rest more, allowing your dreams to enter your life RIGHT NOW.

We all have at some point, or all of the time, got in our own way; self sabotage, low self-worth, lack of belief, self doubt, self image issues, not caring for ourselves, poor habits... these are all ways that we show up as the thing that hinders life's flow, and our life being free, abundant and happy. Well it's time to start looking at this, the key is to notice it, and there as if by magic, you then have an option to get out of your own way and learn to LOVE yourself more!

We will use yin yoga, pranayama, guided-journaling techniques and meditations to start to take a look at some of these hurdles that we create, and why, and practice releasing them, and also how to not listen to them - we don't need to get rid of them, just to stop letting them rule the show!

The workshop will run from 11am-1pm online, with time to chat and share after.

What you need to have with you:

  • Comfy warm clothes and socks

  • Yoga mat

  • Yoga blocks and strap

  • Blanket

  • Cushions

  • Yoga bolster (if you have one)

  • Meditation cushion

  • Journal and pen

  • Water or a flask of decaf tea

  • Essential oils and incense if you use these

  • Sage to burn if you want to

Investment is Β£20. As usual, if you introduce someone new, you both get Β£5 off πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½ message me and I will send you both the discount code.

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Shakti Sister Circle

Shakti Sister Circle


Under the new moon β™Ύ
This new moon in Aquarius amplifies the need of us all to gather in groups, and so what better way to celebrate this than with our fortnightly sister circle!

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.

Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough

This event is by donation to the women's circles that my charity Be The Change ( supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. For this session we will allocate a rock or crystal to be our 'gratitude rock' so please bring a rock or crystal to the event.

Please book here to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Can’t wait πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌ

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How To Practice Surrender - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

How To Practice Surrender - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

I am launching a course, videos and meditation classes, as well as this workshop, on the theme of getting out of you own way; learning to surrender and to allow your dreams to enter your life.

We all have at some point, or all the time, got in our own way; self sabotage, low self-worth, lack of belief, self doubt, self image issues, these are all ways that we are the thing that hinders life's flow, and our life being free, abundant and happy. Well it's time to start looking at this, the key is to notice it, and there as if by magic, you then have an option to get out of your own way!

We will use yin yoga, pranayama, guided-journaling techniques and meditations to start to take a look at some of these hurdles that we create, and why, and practice releasing them, and also how to not listen to them - we don't need to get rid of them, just to stop letting them rule the show!

The workshop will run from 11am-1pm online, with time to chat and share after.

What you need to have with you:

  • Comfy warm clothes and socks

  • Yoga mat

  • Yoga blocks and strap

  • Blanket

  • Cushions

  • Yoga bolster (if you have one)

  • Meditation cushion

  • Journal and pen

  • Water or a flask of decaf tea

  • Essential oils and incense if you use these

  • Sage to burn if you want to

Investment is Β£20. As usual, if you introduce someone new, you both get Β£5 off πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½ message me and I will send you both the discount code.

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Sacred Shakti Circle

Sacred Shakti Circle

FORTNIGHTLY CIRCLE - under the new and full moons β™Ύ

I am ecstatic to announce our first Shakti circle next Thursday 28th January, under the full moon πŸŒ•

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself ✨

Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for πŸ’– In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough πŸ’Ÿ

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How To Practice Surrender: Allowing Your Dreams To Come True - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

How To Practice Surrender: Allowing Your Dreams To Come True - Yin Yoga and Meditation Workshop

I am launching a course, videos and meditation classes, as well as this workshop, on the theme of getting out of you own way; learning to surrender and to allow your dreams to enter your life.

We all have at some point, or all the time, got in our own way; self sabotage, low self-worth, lack of belief, self doubt, self image issues, these are all ways that we are the thing that hinders life's flow, and our life being free, abundant and happy. Well it's time to start looking at this, the key is to notice it, and there as if by magic, you then have an option to get out of your own way!

We will use yin yoga, pranayama, guided-journaling techniques and meditations to start to take a look at some of these hurdles that we create, and why, and practice releasing them, and also how to not listen to them - we don't need to get rid of them, just to stop letting them rule the show!

The workshop will run from 11am-1pm online, with time to chat and share after.

What you need to have with you:

  • Comfy warm clothes and socks

  • Yoga mat

  • Yoga blocks and strap

  • Blanket

  • Cushions

  • Yoga bolster (if you have one)

  • Meditation cushion

  • Journal and pen

  • Water or a flask of decaf tea

  • Essential oils and incense if you use these

  • Sage to burn if you want to

Investment is Β£20. As usual, if you introduce someone new, you both get Β£5 off πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ½ message me and I will send you both the discount code.

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Winter Solstice Yoga and Meditation Workshop

Winter Solstice Yoga and Meditation Workshop

A much needed get-together!

It's the Winter Solstice, a time to look back at the year so far, and use the learnings in a loving way to set intentions going forward. Let's set the intention now to start 2021 without getting in our own way, and get back onto the path of realising our dreams. This can start right now! We will go on a journey into yourself, to discover what your dreams and goals are, and what is maybe stopping those from happening (lessons from 2020). Bring your journal, and any pics of things that you dream of (I'll be bringing a beach pic and a mustang pic haha), and let me guide you back to your path. We will do a delicious yin yoga flow before this to unblock our energy and body, and then guided-meditation, journal prompts and discussion will help you allow the deep stuff to flow up. We'll finish by relaxing into a yoga-nidra and settle those dreams and wishes deep into our sub-conscious. This is powerful stuff!

What to bring:

Yoga mat

2 or 3 cushions

Yoga blocks and strap

Meditation cushion (if you have it, order for Christmas discount now if you don't have one!)


Warm clothes

A blanket

Your journal and pics (if you like to - these can be cut out of magazines etc.)

Oh and don't forget to bring a plate for our 'Bring and share' vegan lunch!

This will be an excuse to catch up, get Christmassy, relax, find some calm amongst the madness with yummy yin yoga, and then after we will of course have mince-pies, mulled apple tea, and a yummy bring-and-share-lunch!

As always if you bring a new friend along you both get Β£5 off! Early bird price is Β£25 until 10th December using discount code WINTER5.

Oh and feel free to come as festive as possible - I will be!


Ho ho ho!

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Yin Yang Yoga Workshop

Yin Yang Yoga Workshop

In light of the second dates for our amazing 'Find Your Sunshine' Yoga and Wellness Retreat having just been postponed until the new year, we would like to offer a workshop (hosted on Zoom) to emulate the conditions found on a retreat, to help you find that sunshine wherever you are (it was a lot easier in Maldives that's for sure!) And for those of you booked onto our retreat, you will receive 20% off and get a free meditation too.

To include:
Power yoga flow
Yin yoga (and lot's of it!)
Lots of love and support

I can't wait, see you on the mat!

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