Do you love yourself?

The term self-love gets banded around a lot these days, but do we really know what it means?

What does it mean to you?

The fast paced consumerist way we live doesn’t often lean towards this being a priority, we rush, stress, fill our calendars, do do do, but when do we ask ourselves what we need? When do we slow down and rest? Do you know what you love and what relaxes you?

Learning and exploring and prioritising this IS self-love.

Honouring what YOU need. Saying no to plans if you need to, making time to meditate, being in nature, doing things to relax, checking in with YOU, being alone, laughing!

It’s also about our daily actions and choices toward ourselves;

Your food choices - are they nourishing?

Your thoughts - are they cheering you on, or self-hating and doubting?

Your environment - do you have any quiet time without noise? Who surrounds you? Do they lift you, or bring you down? Do you get out in nature daily?

This isn’t easy in modern life.

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My journey to self-love

Thanks to Carrie Bradshaw for the very important reminder here 😁

The question of whether I love myself has been very current for me for a long, long time. And the answer for the most part was no.

I wondered why my relationships weren't loving, why I wasn't living the life I dreamt of, why I felt lost and unheard, but I wasn't loving or hearing myself, so how could I expect anyone else to do that?

So enough was enough, enough heartbreak and abuse… I got real about ME.

I ignored the narrative that choosing yourself and choosing rest was selfish or lazy - if you think this I guarantee its because you don't do it yourself! I left all the things that I had chosen in my life that weren't loving me - my relationship, my job, where I lived, some of the people I was spending time with, and I did what my inner self had always been leading me to - I chased my dreams of really helping and making a difference in the world 🌎

And it all started with learning to love myself and show myself that 💕 I spent time alone for a long time and let my inner self lead me to what I wanted and to explore what was love to me. I realised I actually didn't know, and so this is my journey which I am happily on and constantly continuing and I am LOVING it ❤

I watch old habits one by one rear their heads, and one by one I choose something different and dig to where that is coming from. The root is always;

"I'm not worthy of love"

and I replace it (Theta healing has been amazing for this) and I choose the action that is love, the one that is true to me, and everything shifts ♥

I also show up for myself every day with daily practices, knowing that taking care of my energy, my mind, my body, is how to love myself.

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How to love yourself

So if you aren't sure about the answer to whether you love yourself or not, then is it the time to start exploring that and prioritising you? 🦚 It's a wild journey and there is no other I would choose! It also means you magnetise in the people that will love you and the situations you dream of - so its totally the best thing you can possibly do 😁💜

I have also been exploring this topic a lot recently with clients in my healing and energy coaching work - theta healing is an amazing way to get at those subconscious beliefs and replace them - not being worthy of love is one of the most common foundational beliefs people have in one form or another and it can cripple your life. You may know what I mean and if so please do reach out to me to find out about my healing programmes.

For me, prioritising my regular practices (especially morning and evening) of meditation, tantra, yoga, movement (qi gong and dancing) and sacred-sexuality practices, really shows myself love and I don’t know people cope without them - they literally change my mindset IN THAT MOMENT, and I feel softer and kinder towards myself.

So with this in mind, I have started a FREE series ‘Journey Into Yourself’ to help you learn how to meditate and to explore what self-love is for you, as well as changing habits, and chasing your dreams - it’s going to be magical and we start with one of my favourite go-to meditations! The most recent video has been added today - sign up below to be gifted the whole series so far - one will be uploaded each week!

This will also be supported by a on-request NEW weekly meditation class - starts in September - all details to come on my newsletter!


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