Why meditation is the best thing you will ever do!

Have you ever wondered about meditation?

Or perhaps you have tried it and found it too hard?

Maybe you feel it’s ‘not for me’.

Or you think it’s just for those hippy ones?

Well I am about to be really controversial here (no change here then!) and say that meditation is the best thing ANYONE will ever do and it is essential for all of us (plus everyone CAN do it).

I have had a nagging feeling for a long while that I have not been sharing the gift of meditation enough. It has been THE key tool for me in all the growth and healing I have done, and is one that has helped shape my life into what it is today - the life of my dreams. I am living my purpose in my work, I work with beautiful souls every day, I travel and teach all over the world, I run a charity and give back, I have wonderful loved-ones around me, I am in a loving conscious relationship with my dream man, AND I feel healthy, energised and AMAZING (most of the time!

Ok so before you think I am just going on for no reason, I hear you ask “ Well how does meditation relate to living a life you love?”

It is EVERYTHING to do with it!

Meditation is freedom and this quote sums it up for me:

It allows us to dig, to go inward into ourselves and find our trauma, our triggers, our darkness, our desires and dreams and most of all - WHO WE REALLY ARE!

I know this can sound abstract, but as Buddha and all those amazing spiritual gurus and guides have been saying for millenia - you are not your thoughts, you aren’t your personality or body - yes you have one and we live our human experience through it, but the truth is, you are the consciousness that is aware of all of that, the space that your thoughts are created in, the one who watches them, the energy of the universe - and meditation helps you rediscover and EXPERIENCE this.

Now to me, that’s not only an incredible reason to meditate, but also MAGIC.

We literally come home to our truth and uncover freedom and inner peace that can’t be found from external stimulus. Not a new car, not a baby, not a holiday or a pay rise, and certainly not through alcohol or Netflix or any short term gratifications and substances.

The only way through pain and to happiness is to GO WITHIN.

In the light of this I feel it’s about time I share this gift more, and allow you to gift yourself also; the gift of meditation!

The first video in the series is here, and one more will be added each week. We will explore different topics, different ways to meditate and there will be a group created to be able to chat - hold this space, that’s my next job on my ‘To-do list’.

Enjoy, and let me know how you feel.

As always - with love and light ❤

Suzie x


Do you love yourself?


The source of happiness: An inside job