The source of happiness: An inside job

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I woke up early today, and have been a lot recently, I wake up buzzing about finally sharing more of what I love, and being able to help more and more people on their quest to feel better. I sat and meditated on this isolated beach (see photo) and felt the call again to really share on a deep level, what I know to be true about our nature, something we will delve into, not just theoretically, but you will experience this, in my up and coming ReWilding course.

So here is the crux of it; the external world around you, will NOT ever bring you the satisfaction that you are craving. No amount of financial freedom, weight loss, holidays, nice meals out, cars, houses, jewellery, relationships or anything outside of you, can bring you what you crave.

That sounds like I'm crashing the party, but in fact I am here to tell you that the truth is so much more empowering, and that the way we can feel soothed, calm and happy is WAY more simple than you think....

Have you ever had that new job, brought the car you were dreaming of, or been shopping and brought some gorgeous new shoes and you relish in that feeling, maybe for a week, maybe 2, maybe even only a day, and then you’re onto the next thing? A new Netflix series, getting married, a take-away, a holiday, a trip, a week off, a lie-in, a different job, teaching a new yoga class (yogis get this too!), starting a new relationship, having a baby, moving to your new house…and each time the buzz wears off and you find your focus on something new? And each thing makes you feel good, it may even be losing weight or a physical challenge like training for something, which clearly has its benefits and they are valid. However the point is, some of these things may be good for you, some of them not so good, but they are all being used as a massive, big, huge DISTRACTION!

This is how most of us live our lives, and the sickness in all of us and the world stems right back to this - we think and believe that our happiness is wrapped up and dependent on external circumstances, and this could not be farther from the truth!

Happiness is an INSIDE job.

There I said it. If you want to be really happy, like actually unmovably happy, not for a fleeting moment or day, or dependent on some things going well or the next thing, happening we have to look inward and not outward!


I know that this sounds crazily simple, but also like “well how?!'“ all at the same time, and I know, that’s why I created my ReWilding course; to help guide you back to yourself. Back to that inner place where happiness, peace, calm, motivation, intuition, abundance, motivation and resilience live. This is our innate state and one that our modern outer world doesn’t really support. We live in a capitalist, consumerist driven world, where you being happy without needing that next ‘thing’ doesn’t fit the growth driven industries. We’re raised in a society where from day 1 of school we are asked “What do you want to be when you row up”, thus focussing us on fitting into a societal role, and also on the future, and not the NOW, which is the only moment that ever exists.

So now you’re ‘grown up’, (well some of us not so much haha), and you’re unhappy even though you became the thing you said you wanted to, or perhaps didn’t, but are fitting into society quite nicely, but yet now realise you aren’t happy deep down. Perhaps you aren’t even sure what happiness is or if you feel it, but you know that you are at best unsatisfied, and at worst perhaps are suffering with chronic illness, anxiety, depression, stress, weight fluctuations, fatigue, lack of motivation and generally feel you aren’t living. Well you aren’t alone, and the first thing to do is to celebrate the fact that you realise this, you are in the minority. For most people they continue to be unaware of this, maybe they feel that there is a drive behind wanting to keep moving onto the next thing and never sitting still, but not being sure what, so they continue to distract, maybe their whole life, until….something goes really wrong. An illness, a grievance, something really not going the way they wanted. And this forces them to stop and look. Perhaps that is how you have got here, its quite a common way that I end up working with people in yoga or meditation, wellness coaching or healing work; they reach breaking point and realise they need to do something.

Well, however you got here to reading this, take a deep breath, you’re on the path now, the path to happiness, to ReWilding and getting back to YOU and your inner-wild that is peaceful, full of joy and pleasure, free and happy. Now if you are thinking that is somewhere you have never been, don’t worry, we ALL are this at the core of our being, our soul, and I help people get back there as my job, so let’s get started.

First thing is first, this is a choice and it’s not necessarily a short quick journey. I will show you how to feel better RIGHT NOW, but for the long lasting stuff, we are unpicking years, maybe a lifetime of conditioning, so patience and softness with ourselves is vital.

Here is some tips on how to ReWild right now, and feel better:

  • Start meditating (I have meditations you can do on my YouTube channel here

  • Get out for a walk in nature

  • Go outside, put your barefeet on the grass or earth and take some deep belly breaths

  • Reduce your screen time - our love of internet brings us out of our body and back into our head

  • Move your body - dance to your favourite music, do some exercise, do yoga (you can find my classes here)

  • Start journaling - this is an incredible way to see the same conditioned thought patterns and how we have our happiness tied up with our external world

We are going to cover so much more of this in our 7 week immersion, and really get into many amazing tools that can help us release the grip that our minds and conditioning and habits have on us. We will also experience what it is to be free from this and live in our body, in our pleasure and senses, and in our calm, expansive space, not our cluttered head space!

Sound interesting? Register for my ReWilding Masterclass (recording sent out too), to find out more about ReWilding and what we will get into on this amazing journey together. You can also email me to book your free clarity call.

Thanks for listening guys ❤


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