Imposter Syndrome, and what to do when it strikes


I'll let you 'behind the scenes' and tell you that I've been avoiding launching my new course that I have spent months pouring into little by little and why?

Imposter Syndrome.

And wow is it a sneaky one!

This is the voice that reminds you that you're not wise enough, or that you don't know enough, or haven't got everything perfect yet! Well enough! If you've ever felt this you'll know that 1) its exhausting and 2) its nonsense.

So I’m sitting with this feeling, and choosing to welcome it, but not let it hinder me anymore, and DAMN does this feel good!

I have wanted to share all my hearts knowing and experience from wellness coaching, yoga teaching and my own spiritual and health path that I’ve been journeying on since I was a teenager. This includes the best tools and practices that I've been so grateful for over the years, and the ones that I know have been tried and tested, and have helped many many other people on their journey to freedom/inner and outer peace too. Its so exciting and going to be so powerful!

So what on earth could stop me from sharing this incredible stuff? Well quite frankly, my own mind!

If you have ever felt like you aren’t good enough; like you feel a little like you’re living a life that isn’t yours; like you shouldn’t be sharing that course, doing that important role, leading that event...well unless there is really good reason for that, it may be time to look at how you talk to yourself, and whether that inner critic is really needed. But the first step is to NOTICE this voice or thoughts, and then from there you can label them as exactly what they are - just thoughts, and your thoughts aren’t you and they certainly don’t own you!

Imposter syndrome 2.png

This really shows how ridiculous these thoughts are, and actually how nearly everyone is feeling like this. For me this is a great thing to realise. You know that amazing podcast host that you listen to every day? Well they get it. That infuential instagram person you follow, they get it! The founder of that awesome vegan company, they get it! Everyone does! So what can we do about it?

Well I’ll tell you what I did, I stepped back. I watched the thoughts, and asked them where they came from? I think our tendency can be to push away things we don’t want to feel, but that actually makes it more of a darkness; if we bring it into the light and sit with these things, we see them for what they are.

The next thing I have been doing is to ask myself why I am doing the thing that is bringing out these feelings? For me it’s to help people, to share the wisdom I have, the knowledge and insights I have come to over years of trainings and experience, so that people can feel better. I see the world is sick, chronically sick, and I have found real ways and tools to help that, and these should be shared!

So that’s my practice right now. Sitting with it, asking the questions and reminding myself of my intentions and where the love flows.

And then?

Then I’m going to launch my course right out into the heart of the world and silence my Inner Critic once and for all!



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