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Shakti Sister Circle - June Full Moon


Strawberry Full moon


The Sun opposite the moon as it is at this time brings your home, family, and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.

The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.

Is it time for a shift in career?
Is it time to let more people know what is in your heart?
Is it time to focus more on what it is you love to do?
Is it time to clean out your closets, or reorganize your altar?
Is it time to start a savings account, or add to it?

We will utilise the energy of this full moon to really look inward and to gaze our focus over the balance between yin and yang, rest and work, family and commitments in our life.


Something sacred and magical happens when women gather, ancient practice that has long been forgotten in western cultures. It is a powerful and much-needed event, we can lift each other and console each other in a way that only women can do for each other. We can also help each other evolve, and that's what I'm here for In doing so, we heal not only ourselves, but the world.

Shakti is the creative potential of life... the Divine Feminine, the Goddess. Shakti is our true nature as women, although it manifests uniquely within each one of us.
Shakti can manifest as infinite wisdom, creation, intense power, orgasmic ecstasy. Shakti is nurturing, receptive, open, heartful, loving unconditionally, flowing freely, completely surrendered. She has unbounded freedom and infinite creativity, playfulness, sensuality, and inner radiance. She is the Earth and all of nature in its majesty. She is oceanic bliss and peaceful harmony. Full of fierce grace, she emerges from deep within herself.


We will have a different theme each fortnight with a mixture of Osho meditation, yoga, kriya, mantra, chanting, sharing, dance and magic - depending on what I am guided that we need for that gathering. I welcome you all with my heart and hope you will come and try this transformative experience you need only yourself, that is always enough.

This event is by donation at to the women's circles that my charity Be The Change supports. Come and be in circle with other women, whilst supporting women in need ❀

What you will need:
Warm comfy clothes, a candle, your journal and pen. Please feel free to bring crystals, essential oils and anything else you feel inclined to.

Please book below to join, you will be sent the zoom code an hour before.

Magical Sisters, I await you πŸ‘©πŸ½β€πŸ€β€πŸ‘©πŸΌπŸ’–

June 20

Summer SOULstice Sun Celebration

July 18

Yin Yang Yoga Workshop: Finding balance